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Hollywood Socialist are Liberal Hypocrites

Updated: Feb 13, 2020

Workers of the world unite.” Julia Reichert after winning an Oscar quotes Karl Marx WAKE UP AMERICA (Click to see Video)

Liberal Socialist idealism would be wonderful had it not take the rights of individuals away from achieving prosperity. I do not think the Hollywood Liberals know anything about economics. They have been thriving off of Capitalism for decades and want to take the rights of the average everyday working class away and abolish freedom of thought, religion and right of defense and prosper in name of Socialism. Hollywood socialist liberals idol is Karl Marx fought who fought against capitalism. Many countries today have followed his theory of government. (Click to see Video)

"The infrastructure, institutions and social fabric of Venezuela are deteriorating, and people realize the Chavez government has been the problem, not the solution." Leopoldo Eduardo López Mendozais a Venezuelan politician

Poor management of careless spending leaves you in debt. Especially if a dictator rigs a system to stay in power to only oppress the people. Why socialism never works, Look at Venezuela. (Click to see Video) You really need to understand the global economy and how it works to understand a socialist government will NEVER work. The only equality that socialism will EVER attain is the that everyone will be equally POOR! No middle class and defiantly no rich class unless you tied to government sponsored jobs.

"You must remember of all the arts, for us the cinema is the most important." Vladimir Lenin

It all started when the Soviets (Prior to the collapse of the USSR) were plotting to invade the United States through their liberal arts programs and it that ideology still goes on today. (Click to see Video) The Liberal Socialist idealism has spread like a cancer into many institutions across our nation especially in our Colleges and Public schools, local governments and Political candidates such as Bernie Sanders. (Click to see Video). Bernie lies when he says he say he represents Sweden and Denmark Democratic Socialist. Both country's run on Free Market Capitalism with social programs run on tax's just like United States.. "Socialism has failed across the world – from the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe to China, Vietnam, North Korea and, most recently, Venezuela. So now the left references countries like Denmark as “proof” that socialism works." Otto Brons-Petersen explains why they’re wrong: Denmark is just as capitalist as the United States." (Click to see Video)

"This the calm before the storm right here" Eminem The Storm Anti Donald Trump Freestyle (Lyrics Video) Cypher Hip Hop Awards 2017 (Click to see Video)

Anytime when a Republican gets in office the liberal artist go crazy. For one, public funding gets cut and they can't live free off the public no more. (Click to read Article) Just let you know I am all for funding the performing artist for gifted students, but not at the expense of other necessary programs that may suffer for it. So, here is my rebuttal to Eminem and every other HOLLYWOOD LEFTEST SOCIALIST!

Drawing the Line Rap - rebuttal to Eminem and the Hollywood Left by Missah

Eminem draws the line. I am like dude why do you hate when you know deep down that Trump don't discriminate. I guess you can relate to those who decapitate. FU says the white dude who raps like he got no clue on issues that hurt the people of the red white and blue on policies that hurt our societies. Well here it is, I'm gonna name a few. I DRAW THE LINE when undocumented illegal immigrants who come here for a better life and are first in line to live off welfare that carry guns and import drugs that take American peoples lives. I DRAW THE LINE when liberal Hollywood and their socialist politicians protest about children in cages but they ok with aborting babies that get dissected for profit in nine month stages. They cry about global warming and gun control then say the whole world is falling apart over cow farts while they fly in their private jets and surrounded by their armed security guards and make no mistake they still eating their steak. I DRAW THE LINE on open borders that traffic women and children and use them as pack mules while grooming them as sex slaves. ITS NOT SAFE FOR ANYONE TO CROSS THAT LINE and its about damn time someone builds that wall to stop crime and save lives. Still no clue to those who say FU to the red white and blue when they kneel for their political virtue. They yell racist bigot while smashing an Asian mans face in for wearing a MAGA hat. You are a hypocrite if you desire that we eliminate people of the white color or for being a Christian or Muslim or Jew, while chanting only certain lives matter. This world needs to be color blind to see that the truth is manifested in the heart and created in the mind. I use to agree and looked up to many in Hollywood but since twitter all I see is the lies of pedo-wood. I didn't know how sick these elites can be, no heart, no soul they sicken me. Thank God for Trump and the Q team and all those exposing Jeff Epstein and no he didn't hang himself and they still exposing his pedo homies in Hollywood and Pizza Gate. You can keep hating Trump and his supporters till it consumes you but I for one will not turn the other cheek while children are being kidnapped, eaten, raped and brainwashed in their sleep especially by fake news media and educational institutes. This world will not be consumed by evil any longer this is what I pray each day. NOW I DREW THE LINE AND ITS ABOUT DAMN TIME!

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