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Terrorism - Political Violence

Updated: Dec 16, 2019

Prayer of the week is for no more anger, no more violence and no more division for the United States. We seek Peace and Unity and Respect for our Leaders and all citizens and prayers for the victims and their families.

Red October has proven to be very violent , very dangerous and a very deadly month for the people of the United States.

"I heard him execute my congregants" - Pittsburgh Rabbi

Saturday, October 27th, gunman Robert Gregory Bowers, 46-year-old truck driver, entered Tree of Life Synagogue and shot and killed 11 of its congregants. The police was able to apprehend him and he told the police, "I just want to kill Jews" and "All these Jews need to die." Four officers remain hospitalized Sunday night, two in critical condition. (see link for article)

What was the motive that Robert Bowers was radicalized to target the Jews? Many blame antisemitism and President Trump being a Nationalist statement. According to his social site Gab, a sub domain of GoDaddy which has been taken offline, that caters to right wing extremist. He wrote "HIAS likes to bring invaders in that kill our people," Who is HIAS?, (see link for info) It is a Jewish organization that assists refugee's to resettle. They are supporting the Caravan that is over 7 thousand people and more to come that wish to enter the United States illegally. Their main mission is to support mass migration that Soros and United Nations are trying to force on our sovereignty as a nation. HIAS clearly talks negatively about our President and his administration. They are clearly undermining our imigration policies and assisting the caravan that we the people of the United States do not want or need this invasion for economic, health, and security reasons. (see link for info).

Is the Maga-bomber a political hoax or real terrorist threat?

"My crew first encountered Cesar Sayoc, the mail bomber/terrorist, 20 months ago" Michael Moore on Instagram

Cesar Altieri Sayoc Jr , business owner, exotic dancer, soccer player, democrat/republican, Seminole Indian/Filipino/White Man and Trump supporter who targeted Democrats and CNN by mailing pipe-bombs within the Week of Oct 22-29. Thank Jesus he did not succeed in hurting anyone. His background was literally changed or scrubbed before our eyes on social media. Sayoc was apprehended in Florida by authorities. What was his motive? Many blame Trumps rhetoric on the media. I found it odd, that this happend two weeks prior to the mid-term elections and that all targets were Anti-Trump. I found it Ironic he was filmed by Anti-Trump Socialist Michael Moore's crew several months ago who claims that Trump supporters can be violent not to mention how was he able to deliver packages all over the country in short amount of time? (click link for Moore instagram)

Is the media to blame for fake news that incites the violence from the far left and right?

"The Fake News Media, the true Enemy of the People" President Trump Twitter Oct 30th

President Trump has made it clear even prior to his election that fake news has been an issue in our country. He made it clear he is against extremist and will prosecute them to the highest law just last August 2017. (click link to see video) It is the media that needs to be held accountable for reporting facts. Freedom of speech does not mean slander. Liberal CNN and MSNBC has relentlessly attacked Trump and his supporters by labeling them racist and white supremacist blaming him for climate change, for terrorism and for xenophobia for the division of our country. (click link to see video)

My opinion: The silent majority in America voted for a man who was not a liberal globalist. He is a Conservative American Nationalist. He is for the security and prosperity of our nation. Our nation sadly, has been used and raped by globalist for many decades. We are tired of sacrificing our people to foreign interest. We are tired of financing terrorist nations with unfair trade deals and we are tired of illegal immigrants that come in and live off our welfare system and bring disease and drugs into our communities. I will always pray for our nation and for the world that each nation has a sovereign right and duty to protect and provide for its people. That we fight against socialism and say no to big government that restricts freedoms and rights of individuals. That we hold accountable the organizations and especially the media who solicit and vilify our elected officials and its people. WE NEED TO EDUCATE THE PEOPLE THAT WE ARE NOT A DEMOCRACY WHERE MAJORITY RULES- WE ARE CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC WHERE CITIZENS HAVE RIGHTS TO DUE PROCESS.

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