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Trump Honors Black History Month 2020- An evolving nation of Unity in FAITH.

Praise Jesus! Trump gives tribute to African Americans who served in shaping the United States of America in every Church, field of service, trade industry and politics. Speech starts at around 1:14:22

The Black community of Christians is Reviving faith across America.

While the left and main stream media tries to divide our country based on race, many black Christian conservative Trump supporters unite in us in FAITH. They pray for a leader who supports minority equal rights, who supports better education, who supports prison reform, and most importantly who supports job creation and opportunity. They no longer see themselves as victims but as victors. That is the difference in our nation when a Leader of faith has the Living God is in control of the White House.

Unity through Faith and Freedom

Inspiration through unity of freedom and faith in God is what built this community and it is their faith in Jesus that will bless this nation.

The preservation of life is vital to the human race. For many decades roe vs wade's ruling gave birth to Planned Parent Hood that targeted the black minority community and it alone is responsible for aborting millions of unborn black American children. The liberal democrats have preyed on the black votes to stay in power and oppressed their communities for centuries with free social programs that made them dependent on big government. Since Trump came into the office no other President has worked harder for the liberation of the black community. God bless our President!

Kanye West Born Again - A Warrior of Christ!
"They say you can rap about anything except for Jesus That means guns, sex, lies, videotape But if I talk about God my record won't get played?" -Kanye predicting 15 years into the future !

Amazing Worship - Kanye comes in around 50:22

The Uncorruptable Ye

There is no doubt that the Hollywood Music Industry capitalized on sex, drugs and music. It is evident throughout history that was Satan's aim to enslave society and strip mans Godly image in Christ. But thank Jesus, he was not able to corrupt the soul of Kanye West. Ye did not conform to the worldly views of society and returned to his roots to stay true to his self, He and millions of other believers are changing our world for the better. After his breakdown he met with Donald Trump and I firmly believe that the Holy Spirit was moving them both to change our Nation for Gods Glory.

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